Saturday, 27 October 2012

Weekend Special (27-28 Oct 12)


I will try to put some text. This weekend I am inviting text from all visitors on -

(1) Everybody is free put here their experience, so that other will learn something from it, i.e. good experience (so others will follow your strategy for their trade) or bad (so that we will take for that in future)

(2) If you have any query regarding trade, put it here and all others are free to reply to that post as per their experience.

(3) People who have any kind of knowledge regarding stock market please share like what's IV, OI etc.

The main purpose (as my primary vision & mission) to educate people and make this place a profitable trade experience place for stock market.

Have a great weekend, I am not on board today as family was insisting for a long (now its around 2 months) to visit out, will join you all tomorrow.

========= Act as per Global Cue ===========

Global Thought - If Obama wins then global market will show weakness and if Romney then rally if for sure. Obama accused for slowdown & job cut and dominating specially to business fraternity.

Banks have taken early step as everybody knows ahead of RBI meet ppl will put money in Banks, most of banks seem overbought but was holding except y'day, as Oct. series given thought for such a tricky & range bound tricks to eat premium, game could be continue till US Pres clarifications.

============ Throw your thought on ==========

Sesa Goa & Sterlite (I will give call on Monday), let share your thought on both scrip.


  1. Hi mg,
    I lost 60% of money oct because of my broker and lack of knowledge on f&o , After seeing this blog I got hope to recover my money back and I can pick stocks on my own with proper work out.
    Thank you so much for initiation

  2. Hello Friends, Though I am not skilled to give opinion let me share my thoughts. For the last few series the whole metal pack remained weak. Now that Tata Steel, Sterlite, Sesa Goa, Hindustan Zinc gave very good results the metal pack will move up. Chinese GDP growth will also help it. Coal gate and other issues will be forgotten for the time being.Keep an eye on Hindalco.

  3. Hello friends ,
    (just sharing what I think)
    I am a small trader and siting in front of my pc for past 8 years and trying to know how mkt works .
    Yet till today there is no fix formula for profitable gains except your experience.
    Many of my friends take working holiday or sit at home to trade. They think -- Ok now I have taken holiday so I must trade and earn handsomely.
    See , it is not possible . You have to wait for opportunity. Also CONSISTENCY is imp.
    Many times I get enough cues of movement of scrip but remain on sideline and when it performs , I think if I had made position. So daring is also imp. or you will analyze , predict stock movement but could not turn it fruitful.

    Ok , now I try to give some info of tracking a stock follow it but trade according to your knowledge (as I am not an expert)
    1-- Always check for volumes , if trading in options then cash volumes should be more then 10 lakh . Also good volume means you are not the only one who is buying that stock or option.
    2-- Check for small deals , these are done by insiders , big traders . So follow it .
    3-- If you trade on BTST ot STBT then watch for increase in mkt cap .
    4-- For very less risk buy at low. Try to catch a story regarding a sector and stick to it.
    5-- If you have low reserves then concentrate on only 3 scrips in a day , this will give you grip on those stocks and can predict its direction.
    6-- For options , never buy any option which has 50+ IV . Check for volume , OI and change in OI. OI should be more than 1 lakh.
    (OI is total positions in that option)

    Hello sir ,
    you are working hard for all .
    Have a nice trip.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi donalibog ,

      Thanks for your information.

      If you don't mind can you explain

      What is btst & stbt

    2. Hello sivakumar abburu ,

      BTST -- Buy Today Sell Tomm.
      STBT -- Sell Today Buy Tomm.

      Thank you.

  4. Hey Don, is there any difference between intraday and BTST/STBT?Is this option also available in the trading software while trading, like margin/delivery?Just started using the trading software myself- so a lot of confusions facing to understand the short words?Meantime trying to learn through google aswell as much as possible..Thanks...

    1. Hello Ashfak N ,
      In BTST/STBT you take position for very short term , like only for next day . It is effective only if mkt give gap up/down opening .
      I don't know of others but my broker gives margin and less brokerages only for intraday .

      Regarding confusion-- no one in mkt came with all knowledge , so with time you will learn to use it .

      Yes , Google , Wikipedia etc give much info.
      Keep learning new things and do share it here .

      Thank you.

  5. Mudraji, Hope u r enjoying with your family...Have a nice weekend....Enjoy n take care!

  6. Nice info Don,thanks as usual.

    I've started trading for like 7 months, so I pretty much am learning everything at present. I've experimented in options, margin trading and the regular cash delivery, i cannot experiment with futures as it requires a lot of money. From my experiences till date, options has been very tricky, i've lost all my investment and gained it again. MG sirs calls and the info which Don has given are really very helpful to trade for options.

    Past month I've experimented with margin trading for a few days,though I got a proper profit, most of it has gone for brokerage. I've learnt that there is a break even point ,which has to be crossed before getting a profit in margin trading. I've still got to calculate it as my brokerage is very high(ICICI).

    I've started paper trading, just to understand the mistakes we usually make, and since there is no risk involved in it, its a good platform to learn.If anyone is interested to try paper trading ,pls check out the followinf link Paper trading helps us understand some basic mistakes which we make in a haste and to some extent it helps us in judging a stock movement better.

    And as MG sir said, take cue on market movement, it really helps a lot.


  7. Hi....

    Eid Mubarak to all of you.

    Though I am not regular on board due to my busy schedule... I am regular follower of MG Sir since last 3 months........
    I am so thankful to him for starting this blog and sparing time to advice me and all of us ......

    Guys it is so tough to make/ earn money and so easy to loose it...... Excess Greed is the killer.... it makes you forget the earlier experience and get into the Trap. MG sir helped me to regain over 25k of my hard earned money in the month of September..... but greed took over in the next month i.e. October when talks stared in the air for NIfty reaching 5900 ....and the Greed made me loose double the money I had earned in the previous month...... This has not happened once but many times every time I had earned some money ...... the very next time I lost double than it as market is never the same.... Every time I overlooked the fact that similar strategy will not work next time as well....

    Now I have learnt following lessons:
    1. Have patience and Sit on Cash during uncertain times.
    2. Set small targets and book profits rather than loosing heavily in greed for bigger targets.
    3. Do not carry forward positions during uncertain times.
    4. Do not trade aggressively during the months when results are declared.As high volatility may lead to uncertainty and thus loss to small trader.
    5. Do not trade options when market is range bound.
    6. Get into the Trade only when right opportunity comes and probability of profit is high. Else save your hard earned money. Saving is the biggest earning..... Better than loosing.
    7. News channels are there to misguide you. Do not go by the advice on

    Now I have few questions:
    1. Are all of you good earners full time traders? How can you track market through out the day?
    2. How can one trade while one is busy in his own profession?
    3. Don can you please explain what is 50 + IV??
    4. Don what platform you use to watch volumes??


    Donalibag you are doing very good and making money as well we have to learn a lot from you.

  8. Hello Daljit Singh ,

    IV is nothing but a indicator of demand of option. When IV is near or more than 50 means its too costly and even if the scrip moves in your favor then the price of option does not change much.
    It just indicates that the option is overbought.
    Example -- before results of INFY IV for calls and puts was 48 to 55 (avg 4 most active options) so after results it did not appreciated much.(learnt this from bad experience.)

    I use Sharekhan classic it is not fast or cheap brokerage but very user friendly .
    See , there is volume column available and you can see both , share volume and cash volume.
    For understanding volumes check --

    Generally I do not trade blindly when not on pc. But , for you identify a story or range bound stock and trade.
    See buy at dips and you will gain.
    As per my knowledge there is mobile software for trading for most of brokerage institutes.

    Thank you for comments . See we all make mistakes , but imp is how much we learn from it.
    Best of luck for all and trade safe.

    Hey, there is a good news for all members in few days , well I will not disclose it . MG will tell at right time , he is working hard for it.

    Hello sir (MG) ,
    Waiting for your comments ...

    Thank you.

  9. i am waiting to watch good news. Don bhai made excellent statement. ur teaching method is effective. keep it up. i will share my experience.

  10. I started watching from 2008. started doing from 2009. first i did cash market only moreover i donot abt options FNO. i doing only pharma sector. i acted shareguru for someppl in HYDerabad. some of my follower told abt FNO. i started wth SBI PE. i got 100% gain. i quit cash market. i have aurobindo pharma sun pharma unichem labs bal pharma hul tata sponge hexaware etc wealth of 4 lakhs. i converted FNO. keep watching it. i quit my job also. i m scientist with pharma background. i became slave to it. one month 1.5 lakh gain. next month 2.5 lakh loss. the thing is i forget to learn lesson from my loss. i totally lost my own money which i earn and from market earned...nearly more than 10 lakhs. which means total life earning and saving. strugled alot mentally. after listening to captain Mudraguru...His listening to vice catain Don bhai. After listening to our blog i mentally stable. slowly working wth small capitial 30000, 20000 in cash. 10000 in options. doing small trading wth ur input. i feel like company. truly and really Mudraji made wonderful place without any moneyminded and religionly bounded. Hats off to u for ur excellent work and support. really it is called Brand Mudra. keep rocking bhai. i m from chennai...working as lecturer...if chance to visit pls visit to my home. thank you.

    1. Hi Venkata - yes FNO is the main reason for loss. On one had gives you profit so easily on other hand it takes more than that if you remain careless.

      As you mentioned you acted as Shareguru and have good knowledge of Pharma sector, so if can share you valuable knowledge in stock of Pharma sector I would request you please send me you email ID in PM to MG section then will contact you.

      Many of you are not aware - few friends are working to make this place a wonderful profitable place for trading (i.e. soon you will see a new base of info). And for that I am looking for some backforce which can drive this forum more aggressively.

  11. Dear All,

    I would like to share my experience.

    I am doing share trading since 2005. End result as on today, i lost more than 5 Lakhs of money.

    Eventhough, each time i used to erase all my money with greedy option trading, i again do trade with all of my next month salary. that too with option again. To be honest, i accept that i am addict to it. I mentally stressed a lot and took treatments also. When i have open positions it made me to think repeatedly and became a habbit. When it is negative it disturbed me a lot, even it come in sleeping also..(like video game effect). Please pray for me to get rid of it.

    Till date, i didnt see success or profit. At the same time, i could not come out of this share trading with loss.

    But now i have a hope that i can recover.

    My Mistakes..
    1. Too much greedy
    2. Tried to make quick money
    3. All money in single stock
    4. Not ready to book losses.
    5. Never using stop losses.
    6. Gambling, Blindly selecting the stock, not following any technical or calls.

    MG and DON, you are doing excellent work, and moral support to people like me. Thanks for your service. Long Live with Love & Health.

  12. Thank you all for sharing wonderful experience and your pain. Deep Loss & Pain were the only points which froced me to start this work. I would just request all of you - if you dont have proper call info then dont trade - sitting on cash itself mean a position which is in No Loss No Profit.

    If you remember few days back I mentioned - when I didnt make too many calls in Oct. series (frankly was not getting confidence, secondly 2-3 position went wrong and that's it feared me for more loss) our visitors graph down so fast, I was happy because from my experience I found one biggest enemy is "IMPATIENCE", this is the only main reason while Greed, No trade system comes second.

    Well, if you can control your impatience and can follow simple strategy - I can just say one day you all will be in profit but our current health is like a cancer patience and cancer cant be cured in a single day, slow recovery will get us out of this disease for sure.

  13. MG u r doing great man!
    Information is wealth.Please share your thoughts.
    As far markets are concerned ,simply to put in a line patience is the key.
    Grow passion and patience.
    starters do not do options and futures instead trade cash market for a year or so.(my personal view)
    i watched money-ball(a Hollywood movie),guess as traders we can take a lot of inferences from the film.

  14. mudraguru,ur view on zee?is 180 a strong support ?

  15. Dear Mudraji,

    I m happy to share my views & opinion abt pharma sector. now it is facing problem abt pricing policy. we might have seen aamir khan 's show abt pharma price. it is true also.

    as of now suven life, nector life may be multibagger pack & penny stock also. aurobindo and dr.reddy lab may show some surprise like aboard joint venture.

  16. FNO generally i am addict...i will do same mistake. i wait till last to become zero or out of money. i m more fast to book small profit then realise i might have wait to book huge profit. never book loss to save prenium mostly total loss. now i have stoploss prins. learning lot of thing from here. good place to relax and learn&earn.

  17. LAB, PHARMA, LIFE & HEALTH are keyword to search EQ in nse. track them follow few. i will be backseat to help u. i m avail on

  18. recently Dishman pharma and shasun chemical showed peak. Dishman have good track of patents and technical back up. shasun may get aboard link again it may fly like wockward.

    generally pharma stocks are priced when they get patent or ANDA rights or aboard selling rights.

  19. dividend wise glaxo group will pay huge price. Merck may get good price soon because they have lot of patent in all area of disceases. future drugs making opp lies wth them. if i got some drugs they fight wth patent rights. very strong company. loooking weak now bet 600-650. but they r high dividend payee beforr some yrs ie rs 99.

    ppl can take for portfilo or SIP method. along wth STAR, pfizer etc. dont mind english mistakes. i m operated wth samsung gallaxy pocket.

  20. Dear Friends,

    Here are some of my learnings

    1. Don't cross investment in options more than 10-15% of your capital. (Mudraji's calls are exceptional)
    2. Cash / Futures, when you buy be ready to hold for at least a month. That too one should buy only when he is confident.
    3. Even in cash don't look beyond 10% gain (Here long term investments in sensex stocks are exceptional)
    4. Last month was turbulent month invisably. Because of last month lessons I am looking to be away from options(Hope I will listen to me)

    Mudraji, you tried lot to convenience us to be careful last month through your lessions on weekends. We need such guidance further too...

    Thanks Mudraji
