I will try to put some text. This weekend I am inviting text from all visitors on -
(1) Everybody is free put here their experience, so that other will learn something from it, i.e. good experience (so others will follow your strategy for their trade) or bad (so that we will take for that in future)
(2) If you have any query regarding trade, put it here and all others are free to reply to that post as per their experience.
(3) People who have any kind of knowledge regarding stock market please share like what's IV, OI etc.
The main purpose (as my primary vision & mission) to educate people and make this place a profitable trade experience place for stock market.
Have a great weekend, I am not on board today as family was insisting for a long (now its around 2 months) to visit out, will join you all tomorrow.
========= Act as per Global Cue ===========
Global Thought - If Obama wins then global market will show weakness and if Romney then rally if for sure. Obama accused for slowdown & job cut and dominating specially to business fraternity.
Banks have taken early step as everybody knows ahead of RBI meet ppl will put money in Banks, most of banks seem overbought but was holding except y'day, as Oct. series given thought for such a tricky & range bound tricks to eat premium, game could be continue till US Pres clarifications.
============ Throw your thought on ==========
Sesa Goa & Sterlite (I will give call on Monday), let share your thought on both scrip.
I will try to put some text. This weekend I am inviting text from all visitors on -
(1) Everybody is free put here their experience, so that other will learn something from it, i.e. good experience (so others will follow your strategy for their trade) or bad (so that we will take for that in future)
(2) If you have any query regarding trade, put it here and all others are free to reply to that post as per their experience.
(3) People who have any kind of knowledge regarding stock market please share like what's IV, OI etc.
The main purpose (as my primary vision & mission) to educate people and make this place a profitable trade experience place for stock market.
Have a great weekend, I am not on board today as family was insisting for a long (now its around 2 months) to visit out, will join you all tomorrow.
========= Act as per Global Cue ===========
Global Thought - If Obama wins then global market will show weakness and if Romney then rally if for sure. Obama accused for slowdown & job cut and dominating specially to business fraternity.
Banks have taken early step as everybody knows ahead of RBI meet ppl will put money in Banks, most of banks seem overbought but was holding except y'day, as Oct. series given thought for such a tricky & range bound tricks to eat premium, game could be continue till US Pres clarifications.
============ Throw your thought on ==========
Sesa Goa & Sterlite (I will give call on Monday), let share your thought on both scrip.